– Marc J. DelMonico, Ph.D.
Dr. Marc DelMonico is a member of the Perisphere Media team, a professional theologian and ministry consultant for Catholic and Christian parishes, communities and organizations, with additional significant capabilities in project management, online media, and organizational communications and visioning.
The Perisphere team worked with Dr. DelMonico to establish a core brand logo image which emphasized his commitment to theology and ministry and included his name as an integral part of the brand identity for marketing and identification purposes. Building upon this brand and an established WordPress theme, we worked with Marc to strategize significant areas of emphasis for a portfolio website, including pages dedicated to his consulting projects, scholarly publications, and an area dedicated to news and blog pieces, while also dedicating significant space to present Marc’s biography and background in an easy access way for potential clients. The website has been built in a scalable way so as to allow it to expand to include significant additional elements, including testimonials and collaborating partner organization listings.
Additionally, Perisphere’s design team has worked with Marc to develop significant digital collateral for Marc’s social media presences and print collateral for events related to the recent completion of his Ph.D. in theology from The Catholic University of America and the formal launch of his website and consulting services. Perisphere also hosts and maintains Marc’s website and works with him to strategize promotional options for his work.